I would like to take this moment to say that I am so excited to be back at New World Educational Center for my 9th year. I am also thrilled to be teaching your child. The goal this year is to assist your child in the mission of continuing the quest to become life long learners. I am a parent of four growth children and four grandchildren and celebrating my 46th year of marriage later this year. This year I will be teaching 7th grade ELA and Social Studies. 7th Grade Social Studies will consist of World History.
- Front office from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm
- Email: [email protected]
- Class dojo
Your child's success is based on the Power of Three (working in cooperation and harmony)
1. Student 2.Teacher 3. Parent(s)/guardian(s)
Lets make this a successful school for our 7th grade children as we prepare them for the next level of their educational journey.
Mr. Ralph Crudup