Daniela Stephenson » About Me

About Me

Hello, my name is Daniela Stephenson. I am known to the students as Ms. Dani (It is pronounced the same as "Danny" except its the girl spelling). I am 22 years old and autistic, and my interests include drawing digital art, playing video games, eating and cooking food, and "The Planet of the Apes". 
This is my second school year working at New World. My little sister goes to school here, and my brother and I did as well for a while. I was the After School Care person last year, but this year I am working as a Paraprofessional for the K-5 classes (focus classes are Kinder, 3rd, and 4th), as well as the Computer Lab teacher. I am thrilled to be working more with the students this year as I have many exciting ideas and plans for Computer Lab that incorporate games into concepts such as Digital Citizenship and basic computer knowledge. 
Tambien hablo y entiendo un poco Espanol (Mas como 'Spanglish'). Mucho gusto en conocerles, y espero que hablemos pronto.
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Daniela Stephenson