Food Allergies
Currently we have a few students that have severe food allergies and we would like your help in making sure they are healthy and safe. Some of these students will be affected even if they smell peanuts. The main food allergy is a nut allergy and some have a melon allergy. Our School Food Program has decided to become a Nut Free School for this very reason. But in order to keep these students safe we have designated a table where they can eat and not be exposed to nuts or melons.
We are asking parents to inform their children of how serious this can be if one of these kids were to come in contact with peanuts or melons. Parents , please consider the foods that you put for your child’s lunch. We know that many of you would appreciate the same consideration if your child was in this situation. If you have any questions or concerns please contact our office.
SOTM Breakfast
9/7/2023, 8 AM – 8:30 AM
9/11 Education Day
Galileo Testing Week
9/25/2023 – 9/28/2023
Sandra Day O'Connor Civics Day
World's Finest Chocolate Kick Off
9/27/2023, 1:30 PM – 1:45 PM
Quarter #1 Ends
Attendance Incentive Party
9/28/2023, 12 PM – 1:30 PM
Peter Piper Pizza Fundraiser
9/28/2023, 3 PM – 8 PM
Hispanic/Latino Heritage Month
Multicultural Education is very important to students. This is the opportunity that students get to get a glimpse of what a culture has to offer. When students are more understanding of cultures outside of their own, they are able to sympathize and work with other people. Recognizing different cultures at New World helps also to build on the traits that we teach the students with Character Counts. Parents, please take time to research the culture that we, as a school, are trying to focus on. When recognizing and respecting cultures happen at school AND home it leaves a big impact.
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
We need your help! The hot topic at the school is all about enrollment and the importance of it. Currently our school enrollment is 202 students and our goal is 215 students. Student count is so important to schools because that is how they are funded. For charter schools, if the student count fluctuates, so does the money that comes in. Our school budget was built on 215 students, which means that the school is receiving less money than expected because the numbers are lower than expected. If the student enrollment does not increase closer to 205, then reduction in expenses will need to be made in the next month or so. These reductions could include services and/or support staff.
Just recently, an aggressive marketing campaign has started, and we are starting to see its effect. Just at the end of October we enrolled 9 students, which demonstrates that it is working. Our marketing campaign consists of Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, and Yelp. BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please take a moment to comment about the things you like the most about our school by writing a review and making sure to give us the best rating. When people are in search of a school, the reviews are the first thing that they read and it can influence people to come and consider our school.
The best and most effective way of increasing enrollment has always been by word of mouth. Our school has always depended on the recommendations that our parents give to others. This is how we find great families! We encourage you to continue talking about our school. Thank you for your continued support!
Mr. Armenta
Attendance has been a big problem with all schools, including ours, since we have been back in-person. Every day is important for your child to attend school. Parents, we need your help! Please make sure your child is at school and on-time every day. Remember only if your child has fever, vomiting or has diarrhea is when they should stay home. We REALLY need them at school in order to make sure they are learning. Every month we are doing a fun Attendance Incentive Event for those students that are here at school everyday. It resets every month so your child has the opportunity to attend this fun event for those trying to be at school everyday. This month the kids will sit in a designated area to eat lunch but will be given extra treats. We look forward to seeing a big group!
Also, we wanted to inform all the families that an Attendance Committee has been created to monitor attendance. If a student begins to miss too many days, the team will reach out to the families to give assistance where needed. Please help us improve our attendance this school year.