Dress Code Reminder
Parents and students, we ask that you please read the School Dress Code Policy. This month Mr. Armenta will be reminding the students and parents that all are to follow this policy. You can find this policy on our school website under Students or Parents and under Student Handbook. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Behavior Assembly (6-8@1:30/K-5@2:30)
11/9/2023, 1:30 PM – 3 PM
Thanksgiving - NO SCHOOL
Parent Meetings
Mark your calendars to attend our monthly Parent Meetings every first Wednesday of the month at 9:00 am. We have the meetings in person in the upstairs Art Room and on Zoom. The topics that are discussed at each meeting allow our parents to be informed and how they can make our school more successful.
Volunteers NEEDED
We are in need of volunteers to help with lunchtime and recess. The school has 3 lunches (K-2, 3-5, and 6-8). The first lunch starts at 11:30, the second starts at 11:45, and the third starts at 12:45. The volunteers would help watch the students while they eat and then take them outside to play on the playground. If you are interested, please call the front office to sign up.
Dear Parents/Guardians and Students,
We need your help! The hot topic at the school is all about enrollment and the importance of it. Currently our school enrollment is 196 students. Student count is so important to schools because that is how they are funded. For charter schools, if the student count fluctuates, so does the money that comes in.
Our school budget was built on 215 students, which means that the school is receiving less money than expected because the numbers are lower than expected. Due to this decrease of enrollment (196 students), sadly the Administration and School Board decided to eliminate positions in order to maintain our healthy budget. Every charter school is monitored for finance and academics so we must be in good standing. Effective December 1st we will have lost 7 employees. As the year continues we are hopeful that our enrollment number increases, but it decreases even more then we will have to address even more budget cuts.
This school year we have seen new families enroll but others have left due to transportation. Our marketing plan has been successful but we continue to work on enrolling more students. We have found that the best and most effective way of increasing enrollment has always been by word of mouth. Our school has always depended on the recommendations that our parents give to others. This is how we find great families! We encourage you to continue talking about our school and encourage families to tour our school. Thank you for your continued support!
Mr. Armenta
Another way to help our school is by making donations. These donations can be monetary or items that are in bulk that all staff can use. There are 4 great ways to donate:
- You can give a donation to receive a AZ State Tax Credit. This is any donation up to $200 for a single person, or $400 for a married couple. This will give you a credit towards your State Taxes when you file your annual taxes.
- Charter schools can receive any amount as a monetary donation. In the summer, it was suggested that if each family were to donate $50 per family it would help our school to cover expenses in the classroom. You can donate online or in person.
- We are always in need of classroom supplies that can be donated in bulk. Some of the items that you can give are pencils, pens, expo markers, sanitizing wipes, Kleenex, and graph paper.
- Prize Box: Each week the students may use their points to purchase prizes using their ClassDojo points. If you are able to help by purchasing prizes, please contact our front office and we can send you a link to make the purchase.