Parents, please make sure to update any contact information with the office. This is information is used for various reasons, but especially in emergency situations we want to make sure we have ways of getting a hold of you. Also, please encourage other parents to bring their children to our school. We are still enrolling students in grades K-8th grade. If you know of anyone that may be interested, please have them come and visit, they will fall in love with our school as soon as they are here! Thank you for your support.
Parent Meeting
1/10/2024, 9 AM – 10 AM
SOTM Breakfast
1/11/2024, 8 AM – 8:30 AM
Behavior Assembly (6-8@1:30/K-5@2:30)
1/11/2024, 1:30 PM – 3 PM
Great Skate Fundraiser
1/19/2024, 3:30 PM – 7 PM
Spring/Group Picture Day
Progress Report #3
Classroom Items
Our parents have always been wonderful in making sure that the classroom teachers get what is needed to teach their child. Please make sure to ask them if you haven’t already done so. The following are items that are always needed throughout the year: Hand sanitizer, pencils, white board markers, lined paper, spiral notebooks, healthy snacks, candies and toys for their treasure box, and much more. We thank you in advance for all your donations!
Dear Families,
We are very grateful to have wonderful teachers, alongside wonderful families this school year. We have noticed that families are working well with the teachers and the students continue to progress well. AASA (AZ Academic Standards Assessment) testing starts in April so we have a few months to prepare!
We are asking that all families help their children prepare for this test. The grades that will take this test are 3rd through 8th grade. There are various things you can do to help your children. Here are some ideas:
∙ Assure that all homework is done neatly and accurately
∙ Encourage your child to attend tutoring after school
∙ Volunteer at the school by assisting teachers
∙ Volunteer your time to help tutor other students
∙ Visit our school website and use the links provided for additional assistance
∙ Have your child read everyday
∙ Have your child memorize their math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc.)
∙ Look for videos on how to solve problems and walk your child through the problem.
As you can see, your contribution can be small or large and you can help us find success academically. Please see your child’s teacher for more ideas on how you can help or if you can help in the classroom.
Mr. Armenta
Enrollment for NEXT School Year
Enrollment applications will be accepted starting January 8th. We have two types of enrollment processes. One enrollment deadline is for families that are CURRENTLY enrolled to our school. Currently enrolled families get priority for the following school year. The applications will be accepted from January 8th – January 12th. Please make sure to turn them in as soon as possible. This will be in paper form and the each class that collects all the forms by January 12th, the class will be able to dress down for FREE for one day.
The enrollment for NEW families for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year may start enrolling their child on January 15th. It is a first come, first serve basis. If a current family waits after January 15th, you run the risk of new students taking your child’s spot at NWEC. We encourage all families to enroll as soon as they can. If you know of any new families that are interested, please have them set up a time to visit our school any time before January 15th.
Kindergarten enrollment for the upcoming school year will start January 15th until all spots are filled. Students must be 5 years old before September 1st, 2024, to attend our school. Sometime in May 2024, we will have Kinder Roundup to get all testing done with the teacher.