The Galileo test is used by the school to prepare our students to perform their best on the State test, now called AASA (Arizona Academic Standards Assessment). The AASA is given to all public school students (3-8) and helps the State determine if the students are performing well academically.
Why is this important? It is important to Parents because it tells them how their child is doing and if the school is meeting the needs of their child. It is important to Students because it allows them to understand how they are progressing in their grade. And as a School it is important because it allows us to see if what we are doing is effective or not. As you can see Galileo and AASA are very important to everyone!
At the end of March and all of April the students from grades 3rd through 8th will take the AASA. We need to do what we can to help our children do their best. It has always been our school’s goal to have the student’s scores exceed the State Average in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics test. Please encourage your children to take their time and do their best on the upcoming Galileo and AASA State Test. Below is the testing schedule in order to make sure your child is present and ready on these days.